The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training
Help me raise $4,500 by March 17th!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

running in the snow makes me legit

Well, I didn't go to the group run (again) this morning because it was all the way up in Bountiful. I almost chickened out on running outside all together. I drove to the gym, anticipating a treadmill run, but all of the machines were taken. I did weights instead, seeing it as a sign that I was supposed to get my butt outside.

After going home, getting some food, and getting some things ready for an activity tonight, I braved the cold. Well, about two miles in, it started to snow. I kept going though. Once I got closer to Utah Lake, the flakes got bigger, fell faster, and the wind-picked up. I had to keep wiping snow flakes off of my nose and out of my eyes. I must have looked pretty bad because into mile 5, some guy ran up beside me and asked if I was OK, and if I needed to call anyone, lol. Cancer-fighters, know that you are loved, because I don't run in the snow for just anyone. I hate running in the cold. By the time I got back to the apt, my head was soaked from melting snow flakes, my legs were frozen from my "dri-fit" pants absorbing all of the water and holding it next to me legs, and I was dehydrated because today I realized that both the bathrooms and the water fountains at the small parks are closed for the season (yes, it makes sense, I know. I just didn't think about it). But, when all was said and done, I ran/walked a good 7 miles and burned 995 calories (thank you Bodybugg).

On another note, I'm over $200 in my fundraising. I just need to send in the cash/check donations I've received. I'm probably going to hold off for a couple more days in hopes that I receive more. A big thanks to those of you who have donated to the cause.

I've been trying to think of other ways to fundraise. Typically, I could do car washes and bake sales, but it's a little chilly for that right now. Maybe a silent auction would go over well.