The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training
Help me raise $4,500 by March 17th!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

fundraising update

I just want to say another big thank you! In the past 3 days, I've received over $200 worth of donations! I'm up to $404.80, just $325 away from the $725 I need by our re-commitment date at the end of March. If you've made a donation in the past month, look for your donation receipt in the mail soon! If not, you can still donate by clicking here or contacting me for my address to send a check made out to the LLS.

I also appreciate the letters I've received in addition to donations. They've all been super supportive and encouraging. Just when I was beginning to doubt whether or not I'd really be able to do this, I was blessed with inspiration to keep training.

Well, time for a run! Have a great day everyone!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

running in the snow makes me legit

Well, I didn't go to the group run (again) this morning because it was all the way up in Bountiful. I almost chickened out on running outside all together. I drove to the gym, anticipating a treadmill run, but all of the machines were taken. I did weights instead, seeing it as a sign that I was supposed to get my butt outside.

After going home, getting some food, and getting some things ready for an activity tonight, I braved the cold. Well, about two miles in, it started to snow. I kept going though. Once I got closer to Utah Lake, the flakes got bigger, fell faster, and the wind-picked up. I had to keep wiping snow flakes off of my nose and out of my eyes. I must have looked pretty bad because into mile 5, some guy ran up beside me and asked if I was OK, and if I needed to call anyone, lol. Cancer-fighters, know that you are loved, because I don't run in the snow for just anyone. I hate running in the cold. By the time I got back to the apt, my head was soaked from melting snow flakes, my legs were frozen from my "dri-fit" pants absorbing all of the water and holding it next to me legs, and I was dehydrated because today I realized that both the bathrooms and the water fountains at the small parks are closed for the season (yes, it makes sense, I know. I just didn't think about it). But, when all was said and done, I ran/walked a good 7 miles and burned 995 calories (thank you Bodybugg).

On another note, I'm over $200 in my fundraising. I just need to send in the cash/check donations I've received. I'm probably going to hold off for a couple more days in hopes that I receive more. A big thanks to those of you who have donated to the cause.

I've been trying to think of other ways to fundraise. Typically, I could do car washes and bake sales, but it's a little chilly for that right now. Maybe a silent auction would go over well.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Thanks for your contributions everyone! I'm up to $90 so far!

With that said, I'm off to the gym for a treadmill run since I didn't make it outside today.

If you plan on donating, remember that I need to reach $2,175 by the end of March in order to participate in the race with Team in Training!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Wanting to hand-write my fundraising letters was a noble desire, but I think I just gave up on that idea after only addressing 40 envelopes. If I didn't have a thesis to be working on at the same time, I'd be all for it. Or if I had had more than two weeks notice.

I know I'm just getting into fundraising but I'm already stressing over my ability to raise at least $3,000. If I don't get donations via response from my letters, I'm going to have to organize something local. I was thinking about a benefit concert combined with a bake sale and silent auction. All of the planning and gathering of items to sell is going to take a lot of time and effort though. If my decision to run with Team in Training hadn't been such a spontaneous decision, I could have made this my project for graduation. I think it's a little to late to arrange that though since I'm already signed up for thesis credits instead of project credits.

Training is going well. I'm looking forward to a good run tomorrow. If it's not freezing outside (yes, I'm a wuss when it comes to running in the cold), I'll attempt another run along part of the Provo River Parkway.

I got an e-mail from my dad today. Tests are being run to determine whether Bill's father has lung cancer. I also got a message from my mom that Allie has another appointment tomorrow to prep for chemotherapy. Prayers for these individuals and their friends and families. You are the reason I'm running. Trust me, I would never have the will power to train for a full marathon on my own, just for fun. Their fight keeps me going.