The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training
Help me raise $4,500 by March 17th!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

stress turned to peace

I've spent the past few weeks stressing over money, and in particularly fundraising for this marathon. I've had some frustrations with planned fundraisers not working out like I thought they would, and last week I was still a good $1000 from my minimum requirement. After a couple more pleas on Facebook, I am closer but still several hundred dollars away. I've realized that unless some miracle occurs in the next week (which I often pray to God that it will) and that I'm somehow able to collect $500 from door-to-door soliciting, at least a $500 charge (not including the $250 I've already paid for my flight) will be put on my credit card if I don't meet that $2,900 minimum. At first, I cried. I cried like it was the end of the world and that I would end up living on the streets. Then today, as I watched last week's episode of the Biggest Loser on Hulu, I had a change of heart. Last week's episode was Makeover Week. The last 6 contestants get new clothes, new hair, and it's when you really see the difference between when they arrived and now. It's more than just a physical change. You can see their emotional and mental changes as well. As I thought about that today, I thought about the change I've seen in myself through this challenge of running a marathon while raising money for cancer research. I ran/walked 18 miles last weekend. How many people, let alone individuals who are 40 pounds overweight, can say that? I can't put a price tag on the confidence I've gained through this opportunity. Each week, I continue to do things that I never thought I would be able to do. Today, I was sprinting at a 6.7 on the treadmill when I usually just jog between 4.7 and 5.3. I'm sure I'll push myself and run some 7.5/8.0 sprints next week. Between my weight training sessions with Brian and Andre and all of this marathon training, I've grown so much (well, actually I've shrunk) and I feel good. $500 isn't the end of the world. Yes, it adds to my pile of student debt but it will get paid off. In reality, $500 is a small price to pay for everything I've gained. And it all goes to a good cause. :)