The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training
Help me raise $4,500 by March 17th!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

18 miles down, $950 to go.

Well, this morning's training brought on a whopping 18. I'm grateful to tell you that I, despite having to walk a lot and now being sun burned, finished all 18 of those.

So, I'm no longer so worried about the number of miles in the marathon. Once I get over the nervousness and am able to look past the negative thoughts about how looong 26.2 is, I know that I can do it, even if I'm limping my way across the finish line.

The big worry is now the mula. I'm currently at about $1,950, still $950 short of the minimum amount. I need a miracle. I need a day to sit outside at Wal-mart and collect donations. I need all of my Facebook friends to donate $2. I can't front the $950 on my own. That's almost a semester's worth of tuition. However, if several people give small donations, it will make a huge difference.